Minimalist Union/Pine Wedding Portland, Oregon


Matthew and Hannah’s wedding reminds me of why I want to continue with photographing weddings. Their gentle quiet love was such a beautiful thing to be a witness to and to capture. Last year when I shot my first wedding I went into it not knowing if I would like it or if wedding photography was really for me. While I’m still very new to it all, I feel like it’s taught me so much already and after working together with Matt & Hannah, I definitely want more memories and jobs like this.

Funny enough, M + H, and I have many friends in common since we grew up in the same area of Southern California. Being able to see some old friends I haven’t seen in a while at their wedding just added that much more joy to my job! It was such an honor to meet these wonderful humans and to capture their day at literally one of my favorite venues that I have been wanting to shoot at called Union/Pine in downtown Portland.

Union/Pine was the perfect location and size for their small intimate wedding of about 50 people. Since most of their wedding guests traveled here from SoCal they were in for a surprise when it started SNOWING. But for Californians we get pretty excited when we see any other weather other than sunshine. It added even more excitement for this day and an awesome mood to the photos we took outside!

Please enjoy all these great moments from their day!


Classy Downtown Evening / Jazz & Barney


Free-spirit Boho Portraits / Portland Powell Butte Nature Park